Mac Makeup - change physical / MAC address

Mac MakeUp is a freeware that allows us to change the physical address(MAC Address) of a PC (MAC address spoofing). As for the current version (1.95d), it support Windows 2003, Windows 7, XP, 2000 and Vista.

It is quite easy to change the PC network adapter MAC address, simply select the PC network adapter, type the new MAC or delete the current one and enable it. You can use a new physical address of your choice, Randomly generate an address, or get a new one with the help of this tool - you can select the OID part according to your prefer Manufacturer. For example, if you select the address from Cisco, it would be something like: 00059b123456.

This is a tool that is very helpful if you like to test if the firewall or proxy is filtering network access through the MAC address. Even though your network adapter do not has the option to change the MAC address as in its property, you can use this tool to perform this network changes for you.

By the way, addresses changes are permanent until you decide to remove the new address.


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