LCD or Liquid Crystal Display is in widespread use since the early 1970s, when it first appeared in digital watches. As the name suggests, Liquid Crystal Display is a liquid that was squeezed between two plates. It changes when a current is applied to it.

LCD chips and pixels do not produce their own light. In order for an LCD television to produce a visible image on a TV screen, LCD TV needs a light behind it. At present there are two main methods of backlighting in LCD flat panels: Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) and LED (light-emitting diode). CCFL is the most widespread method of backlighting for LCD televisions, and consists of a series of tubes laid horizontally down the screen.

LED televisions are just LCD televisions that use LED lights for back lighting instead of the CCFL. Both employ the liquid crystal diode (LCD) technology front panel containing the “twisting crystals” which define LCD technology. In other words, LED TVs should actually be labeled LCD/LED TVs.

The use of LED backlighting allows a thinner plate, lower power consumption, better heat dissipation, a brighter display, and better contrast levels.

LCDs use fluorescent tubes to light the screen. As a result, LCDs have problems creating deep blacks. That’s because fluorescent tubes are always on, and some light leaks through to the front of the display even when a part of the image is supposed to be black. A lack of deep blacks reduces the perceived sharpness of the set’s image. On the other hand, LCD TVs that use LEDs on the back of the display can create significantly deeper black tones, through a technique called “local dimming”. When a scene calls for a dark image, the LEDs in that area can be shut off completely, so no light leaks through what should look black.

Viewing angle was another disadvantage which the LCD TV suffered from but it has been corrected to a good measure. But still, the LED TV is a much better display when viewed from odd angles. Another feature which people observe while buying a TV is fast moving video playback. But the refresh rate and response time of the two types of TV is very similar and is only subject to differences in production.

An LED TV is slimmer and lighter, making it beautiful to the eyes and much lighter in weight. The power consumption of LCD TV is also higher than the LED TV because CCFL light consume more power than LED backlighting and therefore we can say that the LED TV is greener than its LCD counterpart.


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