FreeOTFE - disk encryption freeware

FreeOTFE is an open source freeware uses for disk encryption for PCs and PDAs.

Like TrueCrypt, you can create virtual disks on your PC/PDA using this tool. The virtual disk is encrypted using AES, Blowfish and other cyphers. However, it operates exactly like a normal disk - any data written to it is securely encrypted before being stored on your computer's hard drive.

On a PC, the theoretical maximum volume size you can create for FreeOTFE virtual disk is 2^64 bytes (16777216 TB; 17179869184 GB). But bear in mind that FAT/FAT32 file system cannot support files larger than (4GB - 1 byte).

You may also use FreeOTFE to mount a volume file located on a network server. Security is also take care in this case - all data read/written to that volume will be sent over the network in encrypted form.

Like TrueCrypt, you do not need to install it. This is ideal for use on a USB stick. The best thing about FreeOTFE is the source code is available for free. Last but not least, be careful, never forget the password you use to create volume in this freeware. If you lost it, you are not able to get your data back!

By the way, you may download this excellent tool at it's homepage.


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